Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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About TScGraph
TScGraph is a Delphi32 component for scientific/technical
graphing of x/y-data.
The basis for this component was a graphing component
txyGraph (version 1.0)
which was made available by
Grahame Grieve, Biochemistry, St Vincent's Hospital
Victoria Parade, Fitzroy, 3065, Australia,
which is gratefully acknowledged. Graham Grieve has done further
work; he has made version 2 of txyGraph available but TScGraph in its
basics has still many features of txyGraph (v. 1).
This program is distributed as Freeware. You use it completely at
your own risk. You may distribute this program in any manner,
as long as the following conditions are met:
1) This file (ScGraph.txt) accompanies it, and is not modified.
2) No modifications are made to the units and code.
3) No fees are charged for the program.
4) If you wish to include this file in a collection of Freeware/Shareware
utilities, I would like a copy of that collection.
After copying to a suitable directory install as customary in Delphi32.
From main menu drop down Component + Install and click the Add button.
Find path and file name of where the TScGraph module (ScGraph.dcu) is
located. Click on OK. The component should now appear in a 'Graph'
folder within Delphi. Test it using the demo application.
No warranty is given that the software or documentation is "error free"
or meets any user's particular standards, requirements, or needs.
Therefore, the author can not be made liable for any error or claims
that arises directly or indirectly from the use of this software.
The author is not responsible for any damage caused by using this
No fatal bugs are known to me for the time being in my environment
(which is somewhat limited with respect to possible variations in
Certainly the component still lacks some features or shows some
deficiencies (as any graphing component obviously always does).
These are in particular:
- slow routines for drawing patterned lines, in particular
printing such graphs could result in long printing times.
Also dithering of colors in patterned lines could give poor
results in printing.
- rather simple formatting of tick labels, no exponents
- flashing of graph when refreshing
- wasting memory with fixed data arrays
- no error bars
- yet no windows help file
- etc.
Printing ScGraph with the method provided yields a practicable
output with my printer (600dpi) but I am aware that in particular
handling of font sizes for various printer resolutions is
deficient and could result in inadequate font sizes.
If you find any bugs or have comments please mail to
Using this component
The appearance of the graph can be manipulated and viewed
at design time. Data and plotting modes can only be added
and viewed at run time. If a legend box is used only a
placeholding box is displayed at design time.
Sizing of the plot box is adjusted automatically and depends
on sizes of titles, legends, ticks and legends.
In 'Autometrics' mode, distances are not being given in pixels but
rather in units 1/1000 of the corresponding dimension of GraphPlot
(width or height) either on the screen or the printer canvas.
This results in proportional scaling of the graph when window sizes
(i.e. size of ScGraph) are changed or when printing.
For scaling the size of symbols and fonts the diagonal dimension is
chosen as the reference length instead. The same applies to line
width and line pattern length except for a line width equal to 0
which gives always the thinnest possible line width (hair line)
on screen or printer.
If 'Autometrics is set to false common Windows sizing is used.
The 'plotting' property turns plotting and refreshing of the
graph on and off. In case lots of data are loaded into the
data series or if many graph properties are changed it is
a good idea to turn 'plotting' off.
It is the users duty to care for the range and size of data
added to the data series. The component does not raise
exceptions for negative values when log scales are used or
if data are out of range.
Graphing Panel:
TScGraph: TCustomPanel;
Align, BevelInner, BevelOuter,
BevelWidth, BorderStyle, BorderWidth,
ctl3d, cursor, Color,
Height, HelpContext, Hint,
Left, Name, ParentColor,
ParentCtl3d, ParentFont, Tag,
Top, visible, Width
these are all inherited properties; seek Help in Delphi.
MarginLeft, MarginRight,
MarginTop, MarginBottom
margins between the graphic panel border and and any graphical
component drawn on the ScGraph panel.
if true, the graph will be updated every time data and/or
properties are changed, if false, the name only will be shown.
gives the color inside the plot box
if true, margins and distances are automatically adjusted in
relation to the resp. dimensions on screen or in print size,
for symbol sizes, font sizes and line widths the average of
horizontal and vertical size is taken for scaling.
if false, all units are used as defined in Windows/Delphi.
Graph title:
Title : if true, a Graph Title will be drawn
Caption : title text string for GraphTitle
Distance : distance from title to the next graphical component below
Position : the horizontal position of the title is scaled from 0
to 1000
0: left border of text box coincides with the left
border of the plot box
500: centered horizontally
1000: right border of text box coincides with the right
border of the plot box
GraphTitleFont: TFont;
Font for GraphTitle (see TFont object in Delphi)
XAxis : TAxis;
properties for the (horizontal) x-axis
YAxis : TAxis;
properties for the (vertical) y-axis
TAxis object properties:
MajorTicks : if true, major ticks are drawn
MajorTickLen : length of the major tickmarks
MajorTickWid : line width of the major tickmarks
MinorTicks : if true, minor ticks are drawn
MinorTickLen : length of the minor tickmarks
MinorTickWid : line width of the minor tickmarks
TickPosition : position of the tickmarks
tpOut : tickmarks are drawn outside plot box
tpCenter: tickmarks are centered on axis
tpIn : tickmarks are drawn inside plot box
TickLabels : if true, labels are drawn next to each major tick
LabelDistance: gives the distance of the label text box from the
LabelAngle : three directions for tick lables are available
lr0 : horizontal
lr90 : vertical (90 deg rotation)
lr270: vertical (270 deg rotation)
LabelFormat : format string for the label value. A Format String as
explained in Delphi Help should be used.
Title : if true, an axis title will be displayed
TitleText : title text string
TitleDist : distance of the title text box from tick labels or
major ticks or axis, whatever is nearest
TitlePos : the position of the axis title is scaled from 0 to
1000 along the axis
0 : leftmost/lowest position
500 : centered
1000: rightmost/top position
TitleAngle : three directions for axis titles are available
lr0 : horizontal
lr90 : vertical (90 deg rotation)
lr270: vertical (270 deg rotation)
AxisPen: TPen;
Pen object properties for drawing of all axes
AxisTitleFont: TFont;
Font for all axis titles
if set true a frame is drawn around the plot box
FramePen: TPen;
pen object properties for the plot box frame
TickLabelFont: TFont;
font for all tick labels
XScale: TScale;
properties for the scale on the x axis
YScale: TScale;
properties for the scale on the y axis
TScale object properties:
ScaleType : sets the scale type
stLin: linear scale
stLog: logarithmic scale
Min : minimum value on scale
Max : maximum value on scale
MinRange : minimum range on scale starting with Min
Intersection : value on axis where the other axis intersects this
axis, Min <= Intersction <= Max
LinStep : LinStep gives the interval for major tick marks
and major gridlines for a linear scale
MinorTickNumber: number of minor ticks per LinStep for a linear scale
MajorLogPattern: major ticks and grid lines are drawn for powers of
ten. Additional major ticks and/or grid lines are
drawn after setting an appropriate element ltxx out
of (lt20, lt30, lt40, lt50, lt60, lt70, lt80, lt90)
to true. Any combination is feasible.
MinorLogPattern: minor ticks and/or grid lines are drawn if appropriate
elements stxx out of (st15, st20, st25, st30, st35,
st40, st45, st50, st55, st60, st65, st70, st75, st80,
st85, st90, st95) are set to true. Any combination is
AutoSizing : if true, the values for Min/Max are recalculated
when the graph is redrawn.
AutoStepping : if true, the values for LinStep are recalculated
when the min/max values change.
GridHorizontal: TGrid;
provides properties for the horizontal major and minor grid
GridVertical: TGrid;
provides properties for the vertical major and minor grid
TGrid object properties:
MajorGrid : if true a grid line will be drawn for each major
tick on the appropriate axis
MajorGridColor: color of the major grid lines
MajorGridStyle: TPenStyle type
MinorGrid : if true a grid line will be drawn for each minor
tick on the appropriate axis
MinorGridColor: color of the minor grid lines
MinorGridStyle: TPenStyle type
ShowLegends: if true, a legend box will be drawn
BoxColor : color of the legend box background
BoxStyle : brush for the legend box background
Framed : if true, a frame will be drawn around the legend box
FrameColor : color of the legend box frame
FrameWidth : width of the legend box frame
Placement : position of the legend box in the graph
lbxTop : outside the top border of the plot box
centered horizontally
lbxRight : outside the right border of the plot box
centered vertically
lbxBottom : outside the bottom border of the plot box
below axis and/or axis label centered
lbxNorthEast: top right within plot box
lbxNorthWest: top left within plot box
lbxSouthEast: bottom right within plot box
lbxSouthWest: bottom left within plot box
Distance : gives the distance(s) of the legend box border to the
plot box border
LegendFont : TFont;
Font object for the legends
Controlling the data series
In this version the number of data series is limited to 6 and
number of data per series to 600.
Setting up a data series:
procedure SetSeries(sN: integer; makeActive, Initialize: boolean;
Color: TColor; Legend: shortstring);
sN : series number; 1 <= sN <= 6
makeActive: true/false turns display of series on/off
Initialize: true clears all data of series
Color : defines color of lines, symbols and sticks
associated with this series
Legend : text string for the legend box
Checking status of a series:
function GetSeries(sN: integer; var Color: TColor;
var Legend: shortstring): boolean;
returns false if not active
sN : determines the series
Color : series color on return
Legend : series legend on return
see SetSeries for details
Adding Data to the series:
function AddPoint(sN: integer; x, y: double): boolean;
returns true if the data were successfully added
sN : number of series to which data are to be added
x, y : data point to add. Only one single data point is
accepted for each value of x.
Delete a single data point:
function DeletePoint(sN: integer; x: double): boolean;
returns true if data point was succesfully deleted.
sN : number of series from which a data point is to be
If sN = 0, all active series are checked for x
x : x value of the data point to delete.
Find a data point for a given x-value:
function GetPoint(sN: integer; var x, y: double): boolean;
returns true if a data point was found
sN : number of series for point search
x, y : x-value of point
Deleting all data of a series:
procedure ClearSeries(sN: integer);
sN : number of series to be cleared, the status of the
series remains unchanged. Data can also be cleared
by SetSeries setting both makeActive and Initialize
to true.
If sN = 0, all series are cleared.
Plotting lines:
procedure SetSeriesLine(sN: integer; Status: boolean;
Mode: pmPlotMode; LWidth: integer; LStyle: TPenStyle);
sN : determines the series
Status : a line will be drawn if true
Mode : plot mode of type
pmLine : straight line connecting the points
pmHisto : histogram line
pmSticks : draws sticks from the X-axis to the point
LWidth : line width given in 1/1000 of graph diameter.
For LWidth = 0 a hair line will always be drawn.
LStyle : line style
psSolid : solid line
psDash : dashed line
psDot : dotted line
psDashDot: alternating dashes and dots
psDashDotDot: series of dash-dot-dot combinations
Retrieving line settings:
function GetSeriesLine(sN: integer; var Mode: pmPlotMode;
var LWidth: integer; var LStyle: TPenStyle): boolean;
result is equal to status of line drawing
sN : determines the series
Mode : returns plot mode, see SetSeriesLine
LWidth : returns line width
LStyle : returns line style
see SetSeriesLine for details
Plotting symbols:
procedure SetSeriesPoints(sN: integer; Status: boolean;
Shape: etPointShape; Size: integer);
sN : determines the series
Status : symbols for data points will be drawn if true
Shape : symbol shape of type
psCross : Diagonal cross
psHCross : Hatched cross
psSquare : hollow square
psSquareFilled : filled square
psDiamond : hollow diamond
psDiamondFilled: filled diamond
psCircle : hollow circle
psCircleFilled : filled circle
psTriangleUp : hollow triangle pointing upwards
psTriangleUpFilled: filled triangle pointing upwards
psTriangleDown : hollow triangle pointing downwards
psTriangleDownFilled: filled triangle pointing downwards
Size : size of the symbol given by the size of the
circumscribing square in 1/1000 units of graph diameter.
Retrieving point settings:
function GetSeriesPoints(sN: integer; var Size: integer;
var Shape: etPointShape): boolean;
result is equal to status of symbol drawing
sN : determines the series
Size : symbol size
Shape : symbol shape
see SetSeriesPoints for details
Run time mouse routines
function GetMouseX(x: integer): double;
returns the scaled value given by the X-scale for a given mouse
position x given in pixels
function GetMouseY(y: integer): double;
returns the scaled value given by the Y-scale for a given mouse
position y given in pixels
function GetMouseVals(sN, x: integer; var xVal, yVal: double): boolean;
Retrieves the value of the data point matching the mouse point
given by its x position best.
Function returns true if successful, or false if the mouse is
outside the plot area.
sN : series number
x : mouse x position in pixels
xVal : scaled x value of data point
yVal : scaled y value of data point
function GetMouseXY(Sn, x, y: integer; var xbyscale, ybyscale,
xbyPoint, ybyPoint: double): boolean;
Calculates scaled values for mouse position x/y and retrieves
the value of the data point matching the mouse point best
with regard to its x position.
Function returns true if successful, or false if the mouse is
outside the plot area.
sN : series number
x, y : mouse x and y position in pixels
xbyscale : scaled x value of data point
ybyscale : scaled y value of data point
xbyPoint : scaled x value of nearest data point in series
ybyPoint : scaled y value of nearest data point in series
Printing of the graph
procedure PrintGraph(LeftMM, TopMM, WidthMM, HeightMM: longint);
prints the graph on the current windows printer.
LeftMM : distance of the left topmost corner of the graph from
left edge of the paper in mm, if < 0 the graph is
centered horizontally
TopMM : distance of the left topmost corner of the graph from
the top edge of the paper in mm, if < 0 the graph is
centered vertically
WidthMM : width of the graph in mm, if < 0 the full printing
width of the paper is used
HeightMM : height of the graph in mm, if < 0 the full printing
height of the paper is used
'Autometrics' should be set to true as this gives adequate scaling
of sizes and better results.
Copying to the clipboard
procedure CopyGraphToClipboard;
copies the graph as a bitmap to the windows clipboard so that
the graph could be used in other windows applications.
Robert Nowotny